The first thing you want to do is make sure that your dog’s immunizations are up to date. Also, there is no point in feeding your dog a quality diet if the parasites in or on your dog are the ones getting all the good nutrients. So, also make sure that your dog has been properly dewormed. Normally, a dewormer will be taken morning and night for three days, and again two weeks later, morning and evening for another three days. This will ensure that all adult worms, larvae and eggs are dead. Combatrin is effective, although you can’t be sure if you are getting the real or fake stuff, so we prefer to use Vermox instead on our dogs. For fl eas and ticks, Frontline in the spray form is great and simple to use. This is applied once every two months in order to protect your dogs from these terrible blood sucking parasites.
First things first; make sure that your dog has lots of clean drinking water available to him at all times. This is vitally important, as it is a necessary part of a good diet. If your dog is underweight or in very poor condition, use JO-JO EXTRA which contains 23% protein and 12% fat, because you want him to gain weight slowly and steadily. Easily digestible, your dog should be on this diet for three weeks. If your dog’s condition is poor, try a daily dose of cod liver oil and vitamin B complex for the first two weeks as an added boost. Break your dog’s feeding time into three meals a day to help him absorb as much nutrients as possible which will stabilize his system.
Once your dog has been on the JO-JO EXTRA diet for three weeks, his system should be stable and in some cases you might already see signs of improvement. He is now ready to be switched to JO-JO ENERGY. With this high energy diet of 25% protein and 16% fat, there is no need to give him dietary supplements; so you can stop giving the cod liver oil and vitamin B complex. You can also reduce the number of feeds to twice a day instead of three times. To make sure that he is well toned and healthy, give your dog plenty of regular exercise. For most dogs, a one or two hour walk a day is good, depending upon the breed. You should keep your dog on this diet for three months, and at the end of this period, his immune system will be stronger and you may even find that he is hardly ever sick. You can return your pet to JO-JO ECONOMY which is 20% protein and 7% fat.
This maintenance diet will keep him in top condition. If you have a small breed, breeding bitches or a working dog, you might want to keep him on the EXTRA diet to give him the necessary nutrients for his energetic lifestyle.